Prostitution, like almost every other trade, involves a willing buyer and a willing seller. Let's not step onto its morality but rather let's just look at it from the perspective of a prostitute. All trades sell something. Some sell a good, some sell a skill. Prostitution sells the female body. But modeling sells that too. So why is modeling not wrong when prostitution so condemned?
Young girls that dream of becoming models might as well consider prostitution and pornography as well. Girls that want to become models probably do so because they want to feel appreciation and admiration to their physical beauty. They can achieve that through both prostitution and pornography. Well, for those who don't like the harsh working conditions of prostitution, they can always opt for pornography alone.
People that oppose prostitution and pornography because they are a sign of disrespect to the female body should as well oppose modeling at the same time. They are similar in principle; both are selling the female body.
In a time where it is trendy and ok to show a much flesh as possible, it does show that girls themselves are willing to flaunt parts of their body and for free. Ask them and they'll tell you that these choices are not forms of disrespect to their own bodies. My point? The fair use of the anyone's physical self is not to be mistaken for as any sign of disrespect.
And how can selling one self willingly to a willing buyer not be constituted as fair use of one's assets?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
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