Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tradeoff between wisdom and knowledge

Have you noticed?

Some old folks just humbles you with their wisdom, they don't admit to knowing everything. They're fine with admitting their ignorance. They struck you as being wise.

Some old folks just belittles you with their age-old knowledge, they admit to knowing more than you. They struck you as being a know-it-all, or a know-it-all wannabe.

Either way, point is there's a trade-off between being seen as wise or knowledgeable.

Some people just admit to knowing so much, even if it seems like they have no way of stumbling upon that knowledge. Classic example would be when it comes to judging people by the looks. Notice how many elderly take pride with their people judging skills?

When they're correct, they loudly exclaim it. When they're wrong, zilch is said.
I'm sad for these folks. They're old yet they're unwise.

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