Monday, October 22, 2007

Angry with myself

I'm very angry with myself. I just realized how bad I'm doing for my chemistry. I should have done so weeks ago, after doing somewhat terribly for my first test. But I did not. I continued to play my time away. For all my time at home, none was allocated towards studies, or anything usefull. For all my time at college, I eat them all up by lazing around, and none was allocated towards studies, or anything usefull. I now regret that.

I wonder if it's too late.

I wonder if my CGPA can still be saved. It's going to take a plunge this time around, I'm almost entirely sure of it.

I don't want that. I want to save my grades by outperforming the finals, yet I don't know just how much I can do that.

I hope my will can help myself away from games and procrastination, at the moment.


keane said...


Anonymous said...

Not only u,dude.
I am also facing a similar stituation...
