Thursday, March 6, 2008

Subsidizing oil just because we're net exporter

Why is everyone supporting oil subsidies so intent on balancing 'oil' accounts? You don't have to balance Petronas' profits with oil subsidies - in principle that's the same with taking manufacturing profits to fund oil subsidies. It doesn't matter from which accounts you're taking from, when you're spending you're spending from your total balance/treasury.

I heard Anwar's speech on this. He just said that we're a petroleum-exporting country and as such can afford lower prices for our people. This is just sad. He doesn't show any economic wisdom in my opinion, at least in this aspect. I can't accept such simplistic economic populist reasonings.

Oil prices must be allowed to grow. Higher prices reduces demand from those not willing or cannot afford it. Lower prices like what we have now artificially increases demand - this is what we don't want. We don't want to be paying for more as a nation when we don't have to consume that much in the first place.

I don't like BN. I don't like their holier-than-thou nonsense nor the corruption and dumb policies they do that no one seems to oppose. My support is with the opposition. It's just saddening that Anwar has to lower himself to such populist manifestos. Populism economics never work well.

The last time they did a minimum wage in Detroit, USA, the big3 auto makers in America had their market dominance slowly shrinking. No, economics isn't about doing things that are more popular.

Cut the subsidies and cut income taxes proportionately. Let tax reductions spur growth through the people's consumption. About time people tell the government that they prefer to spend the money themselves instead.

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