Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oil dry in 2012

If Malaysia's petrol reserves is gonna deplete in 2012, so say the 'experts', then why continue the oil subsidies?

Weird. I've been hearing a lot of voices from opposition camps claiming that that Malaysian oil is gonna deplete by 2012 and because of that, change is required now, since we don't want to suffer then.

But if so, why did the opposition list oil subsidy increments in their recent general election manifesto? Anwar Ibrahim said in one ceramah, that I heard through YouTube, that Malaysia can subsidize oil because we are a net exporter (paying subsidies through export profits).

What then happens to the subsidies after no more oil is left in Malaysia's drills? Or should we start adapting for the future by gradually cutting subsidies now?

Why am I so crazy about oil subsidies? :S

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