Monday, April 7, 2008

What is wrong with prostitution?

I have no regrets, says Sufiah

From another article:
Some said she should be forgiven and guided back to the right path through religious teachings.

Regular workers sell their time.
Artists both in acting and singing sell their talents + physical self.
Models sell their physical self + clothes.
Prostitutes sell their physical self - clothes.

So what makes prostitution 'bad' and other jobs 'not-bad'?
Society. Dogma.
And the patriarchal view that women should devote themselves only to one man.

Give the prostitutes a break. The layman working for the Fortune 500 firm isn't anymore nobler than them.

I wonder what gives the guy above so much moral authority to suggest "guiding people back to their right path". As if it is certain that their subjects are at wrong paths and that they know what is the correct one. Arrogance at its best.

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